Circle Up!

Our 40 day prayer challenge has begun.  We are already seeing miracles happen.  2013 is going to be an amazing year.  I encourage you to share your dreams and fears here, whatever you are wanting the group to circle in prayer.  We are committed to Praying for as long as it takes.  Read Luke 18:1-8.  There is something God honors about persistence in prayer.  Our objective is to get into God’s presence.  Seeking Him first – then all the rest will be added.  Keep On Asking, Keep On Seeking, Keep On Knocking (Matt 7:7-12).

Know this above all things as you start this journey… “God Is FOR you”.

Doesn’t matter if you feel like it or not.  He is for you.  Jeremiah 29:11 says He KNOWS the plans He has for you, plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you a HOPE and a FUTURE.  God is intensely interested in your future.

Know also, that God honors bold and specific prayer.  It is an old saying that “If you aim at nothing, you are almost assured of hitting it!”

What are you aiming at?

What is your definition of success?

What are your goals?  Better yet, what are your LIFE GOALS?

Are they achievable for you?  If so, then I can almost promise you they are too small.

Set some BHAG’s.  (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)  One of the sayings on my wall is a quote from Daniel Burnham a renowned architect who was also the designer of Union Station in Washington D.C.  It says, “Make No Little Plans, they have not the power to stir men’s souls”

If this is true of people, then what do you think would stir God’s heart?

Pastor Mark makes it clear that God is not a genie in a bottle… that our wish is not His command, rather His wish is our command.

This is not about getting what we want, but WHAT GOD WANTS FOR ME!  And that is an AWESOME thing!