Think It… Ink It!

Let’s face it.  We have all forgotten important things because we haven’t had a “reminder”.

Dreams, Goals, & Prayer are no different than daily tasks in this regard.

A wise man once taught me, First you THINK it, then you INK it.

Writing it down helps us move in that direction.  Back when I was doing turnarounds there was a principle I taught that goes, “Our Bodies Move in the Direction of Our Mind’s Most Dominant Thoughts”

Dream Big… but write the dreams & goals down in a place where you can review them often, pray over them frequently, and record your progress & God’s answers.

I want to know your biggest dreams.  If you are not comfortable sharing them here, email them to me.  The place of Agreement is the place of Power.  I want to agree with you in praying circles around your biggest dreams.

Live Unoffended & Grateful today.

One thought on “Think It… Ink It!

  1. As long as I can remember, I have tried to instill in Tori. Alex. Whit and Tay….DREAM BIG! Tag is asking for our “BIG” dreams..Ill start! I want to learn how to play the piano (let me clarify, not just PLAY the piano) I REALLY want to make that piano sing! : ) There is NO dream TOO BIG for God! Come along, dream big and pray a circle around it with us!!

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